My name is Damon Baz Redd, founder of Kind Design. Our journey began in Vail, Colorado in 2008. My life was split between days on the slope as a ski patroller and on the rivers as a raft guide. The snow and the water: this was where my inspiration was born. I had recently met a girl named Kristen, and I realized what I had to do to start a life with her (basically, get a real job). I knew that the outdoors would always be a part of me, and I also knew that this beautiful landscape wouldn’t be around without those invested in its protection. So, I started Kind Design, a brand that would strive to be kind through design, giving back to protect our lands and waters whenever possible.
In 2011, I was very lucky to marry my beautiful wife, Kristen, and we decided to move to Boulder in 2012. The following September 2013, we woke up to our house and Kind Design under 6 feet of mud and water from a 1000 year flood. Everything I had worked hard to accomplish over five years was destroyed in one night, and I was devastated. Friends and family came immediately to help salvage what few things were left. Prior to the flood, I had designed some hats with our logo on it. The snowflake and raindrop in Colorado colors seemed to reflect the strength of our state through this disaster. The hats arrived shortly after the flood, and in an attempt to dig myself out of debt, I put them up for pre-order and posted a photo of them on Facebook along with what had happened to Kind Design. The post went viral and we received enough pre-orders to save the company.
This disaster was a blessing in disguise. It gave me a new perspective on what was important. I took the opportunity to shift Kind Design’s focus in many ways, concentrating my efforts on customer experience, philanthropy, and thoughtful design. This company would have never survived without the support of the community. I am forever grateful, and constantly aiming to show that gratitude to all of those who continue to support us.
In 2015 Kristen and I welcomed a baby girl, Maddy May, followed a quick two years later by our twins, Wynter and Wylie. With family came all the more inspiration to work hard and stay true to the original passion from which Kind Design was born. No matter how the rough times, we continue to give back whatever small amount we can to the world our children will come to know.
Thank you again for your continued support and for taking the time to learn a little bit about Kind Design.
Kind Design from Damon Redd on Vimeo.